Dolly Church: A Pride Worship Service

For Pride 2022, we put together Dolly Church, a traditional Christian worship service featuring the music of Dolly Parton that honored our LGBTQ siblings.

During our service, we sang “9 to 5,” “Coat of Many Colors,” “Light of a Clear Blue Morning,” and “I Will Always Love You.” Our musicians came from across the Bay Area and included a number of LGBTQ singers and instrumentalists. Local drag queen Kylie Minono lip-synched for our offering to raise money for LGBT Asylum Project. We also partnered with local Castro bakery Hot Cookie for snacks and queer potter Chris Paul, who created our one-of-a-kind communion ware.

The sanctuary was decorated with strands of rainbow ribbon attached to fishing line with all sorts of little Dolly touches wherever we could put them.


String Sculptures in the Sanctuary


Paper Planes for Paul